Review of Ararat from Release Promo

Mist036 RDomased Electronica’s much anticipated Ararat EP is now out on Mistiquemusic – Kay-D Remix featured here.

Release #36 on Mistiquemusic comes from one of the most beloved artists in the scene. Slovakia’s Ladislav Zajic otherwise known as Domased Elecronica has been following in the footsteps of some very fine producers from Slovakia, namely Tomas Haverlik who made up half of the duo Tkac & Haverlik. Ararat is certainly one of Domased Electronica’s best pieces to date, a very ethnic influenced breakdown really makes this track standout in a set. Some fine remixes have been turned in from the Mistique stalwarts: Michael & Levan and Stiven Rivic, Kay-D, The Stain, Hassan Rassmy, Kintar and Oleg B.

ReleasePromo – March 11, 2010

Hits: 1157